STORYBOARDS/CONCEPT: Below are the initial storyboards and concept art I created for the teaser. The story takes place in the kingdom of Camavor— this fictional land is loosely based on medieval Spain, which is where the tapestry motifs of the teaser take their look in part from.
We begin with a history of the dragons from which Smolder is descended— a lone Camavoran warrior encounters a dragon. It seems like a battle will ensue until we see the opposing army moving in. The Camavoran warrior teams up with the dragon to battle their foes. After flaming the enemy army, the dragon is rewarded by the Camavoran king and queen. The dragon soars over the realm of Camavor leading us to the newest addition to the dragon clan, Smolder!
Click on any of the images to enlarge
TAPESTRY REVEALED: Here are the main finished scenes for each section of the tapestry animation. I worked on these with other artists, designers and eventually animators to create the trailer. Below are the scenes without the tapestry background used in the final animation. I designed the gold borders for each scene which was used in a separate promotional package for Smolder’s reveal.
PATCHES!: The scene below that I illustrated is of the realm—the camera continues panning until we see the patch that Smolder has added to the tapestry. The concept of the patch was that Smolder had drawn his portrait in charcoal and then crudely stitched it into the tapestry.
As a part of Smolder’s reveal promotional package, I was asked to make a series of patches that Smolder had created—I decided to include a tender moment with his Mom(awww!) and some common things a young dragon might draw.
Below is the full teaser:
All images © RIOT games